Large scale live events are a significant undertaking and you need to be sure you choose the right partner to work with you and your existing team. At Streaming Wizard we understand the necessity of getting it right. First time - every time. There is no second chance during a live event.
Streaming Wizard can provide a bespoke live event streaming service guaranteed to meet even the most rigorous project brief.
By working closely with our carefully selected Event Partners we can deliver a consistently high quality service for all our clients, both large and small, for all types of live event.
Conferences, AGMs, product launches, fashion shows and graduation ceremonies are just a few of the wide range of live events we have produced in association with our Event Partners.
Adding live streaming to an event is increasingly common and one that brings many benefits both in terms of cost savings and accessibility. We can work with your existing AV team or provide a complete end to end service - all your venue needs in an internet connection, we can do the rest.
Visit our live streaming page for full details or call us on 01926 313448 today.

Are you an event manager or conference organiser?
Does your venue regularly host live events?
If you are producing events for your clients then adding live streaming to your service portfolio is a proven way to leverage a valuable new revenue stream.
Our Event Partners are only chosen after very careful consideration as a close working relationship is necessary to ensure long term success.
If you would like to be considered for our partner program we would like to hear from you!
Please email ep @ in the first instance and one of our partner team will contact you by return.