To stream a live broadcast in windows media, you will first of all need to download and install Windows Media Encoder, and make sure that your media devices (microphones/video capture devices) are connected to an appropriate encoding card.
You will also need a static IP address (please contact us if you do not know what this is) which should be sent to us to configure on our servers.
Your IP address is
If the computer that you use for broadcasting is behind a firewall or on an internal network, you will need to set up port forwarding for the port which you are going to be streaming live from (please contact us for details).
When you start Windows Media Encoder you will be prompted with the following pop up box. (If not select New from the File menu at the top left of the main window and this will open it up).

From the New Session window select "Broadcast a live

Select the devices which you wish to capture your broadcast content from.

Select the Broadcast Method. Unless told otherwise this should be "pull".

For Broadcast Connection, you will need to add the HTTP port.
Unless told otherwise use the default of 7007 (as stated above,
you may need to set up port forwarding).

From the Encoding Options menu, select the type and quality
of the stream that you are to broadcast, being careful not
to select anything which is to fast for your connection speed
(for ADSL/Cable Modem no more than 300Kbps, for modems, no
more than 40Kbps).

If you wish to archive your broadcast to a local file select the check box and select a filename and location to save to.

If you wish to add default files which will display at the start, end of broadcast or in the middle of your broadcast (such as adverts), select "Yes" and locate the files for this purpose. These can called up to be played once the broadcast begins.

Enter any information relating to the broadcast.

Check your settings and then select "Finish".
Your webcast will begin, and the Windows Media control panel will appear.

Users will be able to watch the stream by selecting the link from your website as supplied by Streaming Wizard.