Please note that this is not a tutorial on how to use Wirecast, just a demonstration of how to connect to our services. For more information, please check out the official website here.
To set the connection settings, click on 'Broadcast' up on the top menu bar, followed by 'Broadcast Settings'.
In Broadcast Settings, there is a little '+' button, which will allow you to add a new connection. Once added, highlight it and then click the 'Edit' button.
Here you can change the more advanced settings. We always recommend using H.264 for the video, and a profile of Baseline to maximise iOS compatibility. However, you can always choose an encoder preset rather than changing everything manually.
At the bottom of the Broadcast Settings is where you will put the details we provide you with. Unless otherwise specified, the Destination will always be 'RTMP Flash Server'. You will also need to put in your username and password under 'Set Credentials'.
Once, done, click 'Save' and exit Broadcast Settings. To start streaming, simply go to Broadcast on the top menu, and click Start Broadcasting!