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How to use the JW Player with Streaming Wizard's hosting services

This is an example of the JW Player's audio only mode.

*This example uses the JW Player version 6.7

JW Player's audio only mode automatically kicks in when you set the height of the player to 30. It removes the video screen, and just leaves a nice little controlbar for use.

Below we have an example of showing multiple audio files, which can be selected from a scrollable list.

This setup is slightly different, as having a playlist is not strictly compatible with JW Player's audio only mode. To get around this, the player's height is set to the listbar size +26, which is the size of the controlbar.

To occupy the playlist, each audio track will need an image, the file location, and a title which is displayed down on the listbar. A single image can be shared by any number of items on the playlist, so a simple one acting like a bullet point will more than suffice.

For more information, check out JW Player's official instructions here.

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