Streaming Technology Enhances Communications for Home Workers
The Travel Counsellors have fully embraced streaming media to broadcast weekly webcast's over the internet that give incentives and build strong relationships with their home workers.
Travel Counsellors plc is one of the UK's largest independent travel agencies. They have 560 travel advisors located nationwide who work from their homes, providing independent travel advice to some 170,000 passengers each year.
Paul Speakman, IT Director, discusses the benefits of streaming webcast's to their large network of home workers:
"Streaming Wizard have been crucial to our success in developing our TCTV webcast's which we broadcast each week from our head office in Bolton to our team of 560 consultants based throughout the UK. It is a fantastic communications and training medium and fundamental to the company's strategy to look after our people and keep them informed. It is unique and exclusively for our staff, direct to their own home. It's fun, lively and topical and provides a unique way to keep the company and the staff aligned and in tune with company and industry news, including live phone ins, prize draws, live links with staff on overseas trips, live polls on ideas to improve the business and topical guest speakers. We have recently also introduced recruitment webcast's to speak directly over the web to travel consultants interested in joining our network of home based travel consultants.
It is in part due to our close links with Streaming Wizard and their help in enabling us to use webcast's to speak to our consultants that we have been short listed for the technology category for this year's Growing Business Awards. This week we have launched a customer ezine which includes customer webcast's on travel topics filmed at our Bolton head office. We have even bigger plans for the technology as we move forward. It provides the opportunity in future for us to speak to customers, press and other key partners and also link our overseas offices planned across the globe. None of this would be possible without Streaming Wizard's help and expert assistance."
Paul Speakman
IT Director
Travel Counsellors